Wholeness Coaching Certification

Learn the art of coaching and master business and sales with confidence.

The Wholeness Coaching School was born out of a need for an integrated coaching model that values the whole person. We’ll teach you how to grow your coaching business without compromising your life.

A coaching certification that coaches to the restoration of the original design of the human person.

Co-creators of The Wholeness Coaching School's Certification program reading together on a couch.

Wholeness Coaching Principles

  • Timeless wisdom: We coach from the cumulation of humanity’s proven truths.

  • Unconditional self-worth: We believe every client possesses wholeness potential and is worthy.

  • Coach in joy and freedom: We help clients bring awareness and intuition to facilitate their transformation.

  • Through pain to purpose: By bringing context, we navigate problems with wholeness in mind.

Chantal and January laughing over coffee.

The Wholeness School Coaching Certification

  • 12-week, self-paced online coaching certification program with a live peer coaching component.

  • Access to coaching content from The Wholeness School including Skill School and January Donovan’s foundational The Woman School Masterclass.

  • Office hours every day

  • Weekly Mastermind with other Wholeness Coaches and The Wholeness Coaching School’s Leadership team.

  • 90 days of your own personal Business Mentor to help you with implementation (30 minute weekly coaching call).

Need some direction on how to design the perfect career?

Check out a FREE webinar from The Wholeness Coaching School Director Chantal Howard. You’ll learn how to begin your coaching journey. If you’re feeling burnt out and ready for something more, you don’t want to miss this!

Wholeness Coaching Practicum

Learn how to be a better coach

  1. Wholeness Coach Mindset

  2. Situational Strategy

  3. The Habit of Self Coaching

  4. Holding Space 

  5. Listening and Harvesting

  6. Powerful Questions

  7. Ethics in Coaching

  8. Private Strategy

  9. Group Coaching 

  10. Temperaments in Coaching

  11. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

  12. Leadership Coaching

Foundational & Practical Training

Learn how to run and grow your business

  1. Wealthy Mindset

  2. Networking

  3. Creating Value

  4. Making Offers

  5. Niche and Your Ideal Client

  6. You as CEO/ Strengths

  7. Marketing- Fast + Slow

  8. Copy/ Story Branding

  9. Discovery Call/Pain/Objection

  10. Balancing Work/Life

  11. Evaluation & Adjust

  12. Systems & Processes

After Certification, our Wholeness Coaches lead group sessions, masterminds, and private strategy coaching.

We give you the tools and provide comprehensive training on how you can be a confident coach using our wholeness model.

Ready to learn more about The Wholeness Coaching Certification?

Two women talking.

Not ready for a certification program?

Check out our Wholeness Guide Facilitation Program. This “business-in-a-box” model can help you make money with meaning while serving other women by facilitating The Woman School Masterclass.